Does Lemon Water Help You Lose Weight
Does Lemon Water Help You Lose Weight

In the present time, the very heard question is, 
  • What About Lemon Water? 
  • Is It Good For You? 
  • Is It Helpful To Have When You are Fasting? 
  • Can It Break A Fast? 
  • When Should I Have It? 

In this post, you will get to answer everything about lemon water, its benefits, and also when you should be having it.  

Let's talk about lemons.

Did you know that they are actually a nutritive hustler?

In the form of pectin, fiber exists in Lemons. It has high in vitamin C and B6. It also contains potassium, and citric acid, which is an antioxidant that helps to fight off free revolutionaries in our body. This is really helpful because it helps prevent cancer.


What about lemon water?

What is lemon water
Lemon Water
We know that water is great for weight loss, but adding lemon to your water has that added benefit of that pectin, which is going to help check your hunger indeed more, and keep you from gorging all the time. 


Lemons have flavonoids that actually will help to increase the metabolism of fats and sugar in your body. Plus, having lemon water rather than your typical apple juice or orange juice in the morning, for example, is going to get that juice fixed, but you are not going to have all those added calories.


So that means you are going to be suitable to keep your calorie intake lower by just replacing it with a healthy relief. To reduce inflammation lemon water plays an important role. So when you drink a lot of water, it helps to flush poisons out of your body that could be causing inflammation. 


And you are also getting all those extra antioxidants, which are going to help to relieve your body of redundant free revolutionaries and reduce inflammation in that way as well.


Lemon water is also great for your skin, and there is actually some exploration that lemon water can help to age as well. Because of the action with the enzymes and the antioxidants, bomb water freshens your breath. 


So there are a lot of health conditions that can actually lead to bad breath, and some of those issues that result in gum disease can actually be helped a lot by lemon water.


So not only does just generally having water, which is going to flush down anything in your mouth and also wash it out to reduce bad breath but lemon water specifically has been shown to reduce bacteria in the human mouth.


Lemon water also helps to reduce order monuments. So basically, flushes your feathers with this lemon water, and having that continual flow of liquid is going to help break up any extra patches in your feathers. Plus the citric acid. 


And Lemons are actually going to help reduce and exclude the conformation of chargers in your feathers. Drinking water helps increase your urine volume, and that by itself is going to help reduce order monuments as well.


Lemon water helps ameliorate your impunity, and that is because of all of that vitamin C that is working with the antioxidants that principally reduce free revolutionaries and fight those off in your body, keeping you healthier. Also, vitamin C is actually kind of a multipurpose vitamin that helps with bone conformation and mending injuries.

Lemon water boosts your potassium. As we know Bananas are a great source of potassium, but we can say that bananas are not the only source of potassium. Lemons are also a great source of potassium. 


Potassium is really helpful because it helps regulate your fluid balance in your body, and that means you are going to have lower Bloating, which means lower inflammation overall, and it also plays an important role to reduce muscle cramps.


Lemon water is also a source of hydration that can get boring. And we don't want to drink boring water.


So if you are someone who has a very difficult time getting water in your diurnal input, adding the lemon juice there and having the lemon water, makes it more charming. You are going to be getting further water in your system every day, and that's a good thing. 

Lemon water helps digestion as well

Lemon water helps digestion
Lemon water helps digestion
So drinking some diurnal lemon water will get your digestive system going. Plus, having that water is great for all feathers of fleshly functions, and that pectin is really good for your gut health. So how do you drink lemon water? Good question. 


It's really as simple as it sounds. You squeeze a little bit of lemon juice into some water, and you are good to go. tête-à-tête, I also like to add that wedge of the lemon into my water, and that way I get a little bit of redundant flavor in there. But depending on your taste kids and how tart you like it, you can add as little or as much as you like. You can also kind of spice up your lemon water and add a little bit of turmeric or some sliced gusto or some ground cinnamon.


And all of those have antioxidants and fat-burning parcels. So those are all precious effects to add to lemon water. Or if you just can not stay with the tartness of lemon water and you really want to add some sweetener to it, I recommend some raw honey, or also you can use some liquid stevia. 


Do you drink lemon water hot or cold? Which is better?

 The good news about lemon water is both have the same effect. There is no positive to drinking one or the other. It's really just a matter of preference. tête-à-tête, I like to have a cold glass of lemon water or room temperature throughout the day. 


And also at night, rather of having like, a coffee or replacing it with commodity caffeinated, I've hot lemon water, and that's super delicious as well.


When is a good time to have lemon water?

So drinking lemon water any time of day is going to be salutary because you are going to get that water input, you are going to get the value from the citric acid and the potassium and all that virtuousness.


But if you are someone that has difficulty drinking water throughout the day, I recommend starting in the morning. Not only will that get your digestive system working, but it will also kind of refreshen you up for the day and also guarantee that you've got your water in for the day.

To replenish any water lost from your rest and sleep at night, a great way is to have lemon water in the morning.


How important lemon water should you be drinking?

How important lemon water should you be drinking
Lemon Water

So in general, for water, the minimal quantum of water you want to have is half of your weight in ounces per day. So if I weigh 140 pounds, half of that's 70. It means, in my case, it would be targeting 70 ounces of water per day.


Also if you have an active life, if you are working out, you are going to want to replenish indeed more water to make up for all of the sweat loss and water loss from that exertion. 


Just pay attention to the citric acid in the lemon water because that can beget issues with the enamel on your teeth and you want to avoid that if you find that that is an issue or if you are also combining it with commodity acidic like apple cider ginger, surely concentrate on having it through a straw and also following it up with regular water to wash all that down as well.


Can you have lemon water while fasting?

Yes, you completely can. Lemon water doesn't break a fast. It doesn't evoke any issues with insulin release, so you're good to go. It will not increase your blood sugar situation. 


It's a great thing to have while you are dieting, and it's kind of like a nice treat while you are dieting as well, rather than just plain water. Make sure, however, that you are not adding any sweetener to it, like raw honey, because that will surely break your fast.


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